When I need particles for one of my games, I searched a bit, and found excellent Particle Designer 2 for mac. Although this app is a little expensive (€36.99) and sometimes crashes, it allows you to create particle systems in an easy way.
Then I started looking for particle emitter, compatible with OpenFL, but all I found – it is old and abandoned projects.
I decide to create my own library.
Introducing zame-haxe-particles!
- Can load .plist files from Particle Designer or Particle Designer 2.
- Has drawTiles renderer along with GL renderer.
NOTE: work in progress, more features coming.
Export notes
Embedded textures is not supported, so you must uncheck “embed” before export.
Renderer notes
GL renderer is the best choise for html5 (with -Ddom) – it support many features and super fast. It use “hacked” version of OpenGLView to be able to add canvas with proper z-index. html5-dom demo
However GL renderer is available only for html with -Ddom.
For all other targets use drawTiles renderer:
- html5 in canvas mode – still pretty fast, doesn’t support color effects. Can render incorrectly due to bug in openfl, please apply this patch if you encounter it. html5-canvas demo.
- native – fast, support color effects, hovewer in some cases GL renderer looks better.
- flash – slow, can be buggy (due to drawTiles implementation in openfl). flash demo.
How to use
Open terminal, than:
haxelib git zame-particles https://github.com/restorer/zame-haxe-particles.git haxelib git zame-miscutils https://github.com/restorer/zame-haxe-miscutils.git
Roadmap for future
- Support lime directly, without openfl
- Support for snow
- Create component for luxe engine
2 thoughts on “Particle emitter for OpenFL compatible with Particle Designer”