GD: dev log #11

Why post is named “GD: dev log #11” instead of “GD2D: dev log #11”? Because at the moment I develop two games: GD2D (only me, without others) and Fire Strike (code name: “Gloomy Dungeons Cartoon”), with help of Otabek Gulomov aka Leo, who redrawed from scratch almost all graphics from GD2 in cartoon-style.

I have not written anything for a long time, and this has a strong reason…

In short: it turned out that coding is easier for me than writing posts. Initially, I wanted to write one post per week, and also upload a screenshot to the Twitter and Facebook. But when you do a lot of under-the-hood things (refactoring, optimization), it’s hard to make an appropriate screenshot or record a video. Several times I even fabricated screenshots in Photoshop to show something that will be done only next week.

Fire Strike (GD Cartoon)

Almost half year ago Leo wrote to me, and ask my permission to make a remake of Gloomy Dungeons with cartoon graphics. Obliviously, I gave permission (GD is open-sourced, so anyone can make an remake, even without my permission). But I was interested in this remake, and we began to cooperate.

What is ready at the moment:

  • Almost all graphics is changed (more than 300 tiles!), thanks to Leo;
  • As cartoon graphics looks bad in lo-resolution (and I can’t use shaders to improve it, because GD2 use GLES1), I increased tiles resolution to 128×128 (was 64×64), enemy resolution to 256×256 (was 128×128) and weapons to 512×256 (was 256×128)
  • To make cooperation simplier, I created special web page named “uploader”, where Leo can upload images, and get new build by himself:

  • We changed UI a little, and first time I used stencil buffer to make circular map in top-right corner:

  • We changed the menu screen (some icons are from GD2, but they will be changed later):


  • Week 7 – physics engine was improved (screenshot below shows bug (currently fixed), where enemy is over lattice). If I knew how many many small pitfalls I would encounter while writing my own physics engine (and I use already written collision separation library from luxe!), I would take Box2D 🙂

  • Week 8 – bars that shows current enemy health added:

  • Also I created fabricated screenshot, that shows shadows and lighting (yep, this is my Photoshop madskillz, not real screenshot from the game):

  • Week 9 – trying to add some real shadows and lighting (lighting is not shown on screenshots below):

That’s all. See you later!

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