Particle emitter updated again

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More features added to zame-haxe-particles:

  • Support for embedded textures (both zipped or not)
  • Sprites renderer added, which allows to use some color-effects for flash target
  • Fallback to drawTiles renderer when WebGL is not available for html5 target
  • Fix problem, when buttons under particle renderer was not clickable (for html5 target)

And two minor things:

FastIteratingStringMap: part 2


Some time ago I wrote a post about an idea, how StringMap could be implemented (for js target) to have ability to iterate fast. I continued to work in this direction, and finally idea evolved into nearly final implementation.

  1. Tests were added;
  2. Special iterators implementation for case when there is no data in the map;
  3. Benchmark code instantiate a specific class now (instead of using creator function), to give Haxe ability to optimize map usage and inline functions;
  4. Haxe 3.2 (from development branch) was used to compile benchmark;
  5. Another idea was tested (CachingKeysStringMap);
  6. Constant time complexity.

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FAST iterators for StringMap


StringMap is probably most used class in Haxe (I think only Array is used more often). Probably you never use it directly, rather you use Map<String, SomeType>, which use haxe.ds.StringMap under the hood.

Since it is used very often, it must be very fast. At least it should be… So let’s go a little deeper and look how haxe.ds.StringMap is implemented for javascript target.

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Particle emitter for OpenFL compatible with Particle Designer

When I need particles for one of my games, I searched a bit, and found excellent Particle Designer 2 for mac. Although this app is a little expensive (€36.99) and sometimes crashes, it allows you to create particle systems in an easy way.

Then I started looking for particle emitter, compatible with OpenFL, but all I found – it is old and abandoned projects.

I decide to create my own library.


Introducing zame-haxe-particles!

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