OpenFL extension in 10 steps

For one game I need ability to change screen orientation (portrait or landscape) at runtime. For Andriod and iOS targets.

I searched for ready-to-use extension, but found nothing. I’m not going to say that such extension does not exists, but I spent more than a an hour, and still found nothing.

Finally I decide to write my own.

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Finally, hxbolts

  1. Why hxbolts?
  2. Trying promhx
  3. Trying thx.promise
  4. Trying task
  5. Trying continuation
  6. Trying async
  7. Trying hext-flow
  8. Finally, hxbolts

And finally, I’ll make the same task using hxbolts (few words about – it is pure haxe port of java library Bolts, which itself seems to be inspired by Task Parallel Library from dotNET).

TL;DR – 🙂 Strongly typed, easy to use. Without all this async / await magic, but predictable and well tested.

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Trying hext-flow

  1. Why hxbolts?
  2. Trying promhx
  3. Trying thx.promise
  4. Trying task
  5. Trying continuation
  6. Trying async
  7. Trying hext-flow
  8. Finally, hxbolts

Today I will try to use hext-flow. Unfortunately version from haxelib don’t work anymore, so I used version from github instead (both hext-flow and hext-core).

TL;DR – 🙁 Has no ability to chain promises, resolved and rejected values must be of the same type, promise can be resolved outside of creator function.

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Trying async

  1. Why hxbolts?
  2. Trying promhx
  3. Trying thx.promise
  4. Trying task
  5. Trying continuation
  6. Trying async
  7. Trying hext-flow
  8. Finally, hxbolts

This library is somehow similar to continuation – it use haxe macro magic to be able to use C#-like async / await. Only 94 haxelib downloads and 27 github stars, I think this lib need more attention. Okay… Click… Press… Voila, 28 github stars 🙂 I will use version from github, however my code should work (I hope) with version from haxelib.

TL;DR – 🙂 Works like a charm. Still need some polishing, but can be used right now.

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Trying task

  1. Why hxbolts?
  2. Trying promhx
  3. Trying thx.promise
  4. Trying task
  5. Trying continuation
  6. Trying async
  7. Trying hext-flow
  8. Finally, hxbolts

This library hasn’t been updated for 2 years, and it seems that it’s designed for other purposes and not for those for whom I was trying to use it. Anyway, let’s try, because this lib (v1.0.6) has incredible haxelib downloads – 11586 (wow!).

TL;DR – 🙁 As I thought, it is designed for other purposes, and can’t be used as Promises.

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